Wargaming support to Army
EX BLUFFERS DRIFT-KRIEGSSPIEL FOR THE COUNTERSURVEILLANCE INSTRUCTORS COURSE Soteria were contracted to deliver a wargame to provide an event which would cohere the elements of the new Counter Surveillance (CSurv) Instructors (Instrs) Course, which is sponsored by the Reconnaissance and Armoured Tactics Division, Land Warfare Centre (LWC). The course itself is aimed at training...Read More
Soteria supported the US company Hippo Multipower at the recent Army Warfighting Experiment 2018. The six-week commitment meant Soteria provided the maintenance, training and demonstration support on two HIPPO All Terrain Support Vehicles (ATSV) deployed on the exercise. One was fitted with the Marionette remote control system allowing it to be operated remotely and unmanned. Both vehicles...Read More
Hippo Trial in the US – Update
The HIPPO Multipower All Terrain Support Vehicle (ATSV) is currently being trialled in the US. Last week it was put through its paces in the heat of rural Missouri where temperatures were regularly above 40 degrees Celsius. Next week it will be driving through the swamps of Florida. The HIPPO ATSV delivers mission critical supplies to dismounted forces. It has three key characteristics: •...Read More
Mk 2 HIPPO ATSV Trials
Soteria Trials and Development Ltd deployed to Missouri, US on a contract to support Hippo Multipower Ltd develop its All Terrain Support Vehicle (ATSV). The task was to trial a prototype of the Mk 2 HIPPO ATSV. The Soteria team (six personnel) spent 14 days in country working alongside the Hippo engineers to test, develop and provide change proposals to mitigate design or performance...Read More
Trials and Planning Support in the US
Soteria have now been engaged with a US Defence company for the last 12 months supporting the design, testing and development of a new specialist vehicle. We are please to announce that the contract has now been extended to include the delivery of climatic reliability trials during 2018. The trial team has been selected from the Soteria associates to provide technical and environmental...Read More